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  • Writer's pictureKerry Dunphy

How Cleaning Can Calm Your Anxious Mind - Home Remedy Cleanser

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

If an individual finds themselves having an anxious mind, being surrounded by clutter or in a not-so-clean environment, for example, might make it worse for some, according to

According to, research suggests that women who find their home environments stressful have more depressed moods during the day, while those who find their homes restorative experience fewer depressed moods.

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The Anxiety and Depression Association of America shares that the physical activity of cleaning combined with the outcome of a cleaner home helps decrease stress, symptoms of anxiety, and depressive feelings. Cleaning can also lessen tiredness and enhance concentration, according to

The activity of cleaning can provide an additional benefit of getting an individual a little extra exercise, which has been shown as a way for relieving stress. For instance, running up and down the stairs, bringing items from room to room, and washing windows and floors can burn calories, let out endorphins, and assist one in blowing off steam, as said by

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Brianna Sullivan, a nurse, and mother of three children in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, says that cleaning is a great way to calm her anxious mind. After her children are asleep and the house is left a mess, she says that she looks forward to tidying things up.

"Once my kids are asleep, it is my time to clean. It's a great way to distract myself. Being in a clean environment makes me feel better after a stressful day," says Sullivan.

Sullivan mentions that her mother taught her a couple of home remedies when it comes to cleaning. One in particular includes using Arm & Hammer Baking Soda for varied cleaning purposes. She says that baking soda has been one of her go-to products for cleaning and that she's been using it for years.

Image by Kerry Dunphy

"I've found that using baking soda to clean my sink makes it shine and gets rid of stubborn stains from dishes and such. I also use it to clean my oven. I mix baking soda with vinegar. It does the trick. It's convenient to have in the house because it has so many uses," states Sullivan.

According to Arm & Hammer's site, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda is an all around, pure and safe solution for cleaning, deodorization, and countless uses.

Infographic by Kerry Dunphy

Whether an individual needs to clean their kitchen countertops, bathroom, garbage disposal, dishwasher, to deodorize their trash can or refrigerator and freezer, etcetera, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda may do the trick. In an article, Arm & Hammer shares numerous ways an individual can use baking soda to clean spaces in their home.

Cleanliness and decluttering can be relaxing and can calm one's anxiety. shares that personality may be part of it too. Furthermore, individuals who enjoy cleaning may be more conscientious and detail-oriented. As for people who do not, they may be more spontaneous and not so organized.

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Although cleaning may help an anxious mind, it may turn into an unhealthy habit for some and lead to an opposite result. For instance, non-stop cleaning until every corner in a room is spotless, according to an article posted by thecleaningcollective.

They share that it is something to keep in mind and that it is vital to strategize on the amount of time an individual spends cleaning. Thus, it does not have an unhealthy effect on their relationships or career.

For more information on the cleaning purposes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, feel free to visit their website. There are also articles on varied cleaning tips and much more.

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