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  • Writer's pictureKerry Dunphy

How Kickboxing Can Improve One's Mental Health

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

According to a report done by, titled "Up and running? Exercise therapy and the treatment of mild or moderate depression in primary care," four related studies have shown that physical activity can be as effective at trying to heal depression as psychotherapy, while two different studies have discovered exercise to be as effective at trying to cure depression as medication.

Physical activity has almost an instant positive effect on one’s mood. Although there are numerous exercises one can take part in such as running or swimming, kickboxing has been seen as an exercise that can benefit one’s overall mental health, as mentioned by a coverstory from Business Today.

David Pantano, known as “Sensei David,” runs classes at Premier Martial Arts and teaches kickboxing classes five to six times a week.

Kickboxing classes at night end around 9 p.m. Photo by Kerry Dunphy

David mentions that their kickboxing class is a form of therapy for a lot of his students.

“The body has natural chemicals in it, so when you are working out hard and pushing yourself, it relieves stress. Your body releases endorphins and you feel calmer," says David.

To raise one’s energy levels, David explains that one has to get out of a sedentary lifestyle. He says that working out once or twice a week for one hour isn’t going to cut it, adding that one has to stay consistent to see positive results. David explains that confidence is an important skill that his students gain over time in kickboxing.

David says that the more confident his students get throughout each class, the more their posture improves. He teaches his students the importance of growth, setting goals, and becoming more confident throughout the practice. However, he states that his students first need to want to make a difference for themselves.

David States, "you need to stand up and say you want to make a change. That’s what first gives you confidence.”

David explains why everyone bows before entering and exiting the mat. He explains that besides respecting the practice, when one bows, they're leaving their whole day behind them, adding that it is "their hour." He says that it's a mindset to stop thinking about what stresses one out such as work, and instead just focus on one thing. David says that he also teaches his students how to focus on being in the present, the now.

Their Facebook page is where individuals can find important information and updates on classes. David strongly advises individuals to stop by and try out a kickboxing class for free even if they're intimidated. He says that the instructors will teach anyone what they need to know and that they support all of their students.

"You can sit there and feel intimidated all of your life, or you can pick up the phone and say, "I'm intimidated and I want to get in shape." We will walk you through the techniques and teach you. But, we can't help you unless you're here," says David.

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