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  • Writer's pictureKerry Dunphy

Carly Foglia's Revamped Small Business, Prepped by Carly.

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

The story, Changing One's Eating Habits to Better Their Mental Health, talks about how eating healthier and nutritious foods can play an important role when it comes to one's mental health. A nutritionist in Philadelphia, Carly Foglia, shares the importance of eating healthier, how it can link to one’s mood, and her journey to becoming a registered dietician.

Photo by Carly Foglia

Since then, Carly has recently graduated from her dietician internship and plans on taking her exam soon to become a registered dietitian. However, that's not all she is known for; she also owns a small business that is run from her personal Instagram page where she sells meal plans for individuals.

Carly says that she has begun to create her brand for her meals. Previously, her small business was called Carly Foglia Nutrition Services LLC. Today, she has revamped her small business and it is now known as Prepped by Carly.

With this, Carly provides nutritiously prepared meals on a weekly basis. Her menu items consists of healthy meals full of high protein, a moderate amount of carbohydrates, and a lot of vegetables. All of the meals offered on her menu item are derived from modified recipes from her favorite foods.

Meal by Carly Foglia: Coconut Shrimp with Cilantro Lime Rice
Meal by Carly Foglia: Shrimp Orzo Greek Bowl
Meal by Carly Foglia: Caribbean Jerk Chicken with Vegetables, Pineapple and Brown Rice.

According to a recent study from the New York Times, individuals who consume a lot of nutrient-dense foods have accounted having decreased levels of depression and substantial levels of happiness and mental well-being.

"With my business, I have one goal in mind, to help others achieve theirs," says Carly.

According to, there are varied health benefits to meal planning. This includes learning portion control, eating healthy, saving time, saving money, and avoiding wasting food.

A mentally healthy diet consists of protein, dairy, vegetables, fruit, and complex carbohydrates, as stated by Townsville Bulletin.

Infographic created by Kerry Dunphy

Carly says she has a lot of exciting events and plans coming soon in the future.

"I have been invited to have a table at a pop-up shop on July 21st. It's going to be my first big marketing event, so I'm excited," says Carly.

Carly says this upcoming event will be great practice for her when it comes to holding events in the future. She is currently working with new marketing materials, different business cards, flyers, posters, and testimonials to expand and build up her small business.

For more information, individuals can check out her Instagram page to see what her weekly menu items are and to place an order.

Screenshot by Kerry Dunphy

Carly says that she is excited about this new journey and hopes her new upcoming plans will get her many new customers within different areas throughout Philadelphia.

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